Sparkle & Glamour! Placenames are a great gift for your guests, but also a great table item to show your guests their place to sit.
To preview the fonts available, type a name into the box provided and the preview will appear. Use the drop down box to see the different fonts. Note: Placenames will be slightly thicker for strength than that shown in preview window. All loose lettering (i, j etc. will be joined appropriately).
1 NAME ONLY. If you have a name that is hyphenated, you will need to purchase x 2 placenames for that name so that both names are cut. We do not join names together.
Orders must be placed AT LEAST 3 weeks prior to the wedding to ensure your order is complete and ready in time.
Placenames will be supplied with a protective cover to ensure that your names arrive safe and sound without a scratch. Please make sure you remove the cover before use (carefully of course!).
Solid keyrings and acrylic cut out names are available Weddings collection page. click HERE.